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Regulatory Compliance 


If you have a question or inquiry in regards to regualtory compliance you should always direct it to the duty officer at the Education and Care Regulatory unit in WA by calling 08 6551 8333 or emailing

The information contained on this page should be used as a guide only and is intended to be used by services to support them to ensure your service maintaining a compliant service environment.

Regulatory Resources

Education and Care National Regulations and Act (WA)

Did you know your service is required to have access to a copy of the National Law and Regulations available, located in an area that is accessible to families and staff.


You can download and a print out a copy here


Education and Care National Regulations 2012 WA 


Education and Care National Law Act WA 


Fact sheet - Amendments 2013 WA




FAQ National Regulations

Approved Provider

Approved Provider

What is an approved provider?

- An approved provider is a person or organisation who has accepted the responsibility of overseeing one or more licensed childcare or OSHC services.


What are they responsible for?

- The approved provider is responsible for ensuing that services run under their provider approval number are meeting the requirements set out in the The Education and Care National Regulations and Act.


Who do they answer to?

- The approved provider is required to provide information to the Education and Care Regulatory Authority as well as ACECQA.


Where to go for help & support?

- Education and Care Regulatory Unit (ECRU)

Educational Leader

Educational Leader

What is an Educational Leader?

- An Educational Leader is the person in the service who has accepted the responsibility of overseeing the services program and educational philosophy.


What are they responsible for?

- They are responsible for ensuring that the services staff understand and implement an appropriate education program at the service that meets the needs of the service community, complies with all relevant legislations and complies with the NQF and curriculum documentation.


Who do they answer to?

- The Educational Leader is required to maintain records of their support role and be able to provide information as required to the Education and Care Regulatory during an assessment visit.


Where to go for help & support?

- Education and Care Regulatory Unit (ECRU)

Nominated Supervisor

Nominated Supervisor

What is an Nominated Supervisor?

- An Nominated Supervisor is a person who has accepted the responsibility of overseeing a licensed childcare or OSHC services.


What are they responsible for?

- They are responsible for ensuring that the services policies, practices and program meet the needs of the service community, complying with all relevant legislations and complies with the NQF.


Who do they answer to?

- The Nominated Supervisor is required to provide information as required to the Education and Care Regulatory Authority, service management and/or operators.


Where to go for help & support?

- Education and Care Regulatory Unit (ECRU)

Responsible Person

Responsible Person

What is a Responsible Person?

- A Responsible person is an educator who holds a supervisor approval certificate and has signed to accept the temporary responsibility of overseeing a licensed childcare or OSHC services in the Nominated Supervisors absence.


What are they responsible for?

- They are responsible for ensuring that the educators working within the program are upholding the services polices and procedures that have been designed to meet the needs of the service community, complying with all relevant legislations and complies with the NQF.


Who do they answer to?

- The Responsible Person may be required to provide information as required to the Education and Care Regulatory Authority, the services management and/or operator as well as the Nominated Supervisor.

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Other useful resources

Service Support Resources


Service self assessment checklist





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