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Embedding sustainable practices

in your service


Step one 

Assess your current ecological practices and program.

Step two

Work with your service community to develop your services sustainable practices policy.

Step three

Create an action plan containing the short term and long term goals and projects.

Step four

Set a regular review date and get started.


Connecting with the natural world 

In your service 

Adopt your local bushland

Create a community garden

Grow your own produce 

Plant trees - National tree day

Introduce natural loose parts in your indoor and outdoor areas

Build a tree house


Excursions - Perth Metro

Star swamp

Heardsman lake 

Lake Munga

Nearer to Nature activities 

Yanchep National Park 


Naturlist Centre - Hillays

Kings Park

Lansdale farm 

Armadale reptile centre 

Visit the beach 

Visit the local park 

Neil hawkins park and lake Joondalup

Perth Zoo

Caversham wildlife park

South East regional centre for urban landcare - bickley

Perth observatory

Gravity discovery centre

Honey farm - gin gin



Mobile animal farm 

Animal Ark Incursion - mini beasts

Messy Mud Day

Birds of prey

South East regional centre for urban landcare - incursions

Worm Shed - incursions

West OZ wildlife incursions

Caring for our native wildlife
Promoting ecologically friendly practices

Tips to get you started 

  • Take care to ensure plants and animals are not harmed when playing outdoors 

  • Plant predominantly native trees and shrubs in the garden

  • Sweep rather than hose down paths

  • Water garden only in the early morning or late afternoon

  • Provide water containers at the sandpit rather than having a running hose.

  • Soak paintbrushes and other activity utensils before washing them, and discourage water wastage by not running taps for extended periods.

  • Avoid using drains as a means of disposing unwanted materials

  • Conserve energy by using natural lights as much as possible and by turning off unnecessary lights when leaving rooms

  • Buy products in bulk or recyclable containers and avoid products with excess packaging

  • Use utensils which are washable

  • Provide bins for recycling - indoors and outdoors and arrange for collection of waste, paper, plastics, aluminium, steel and glass

  • Use unbleached toilet paper  

  • Use recycled paper for painting, drawing, collage and office notes

  • Avoid the use of throwaway plastic wrappings by using containers with lids.

  • Purchase paints in powder rather than liquid form 

  • Use only recycled materials for art activities such as collage and threading

  • Provide and use environmentally sound cleaning materials 

  • Give due consideration to the potential of any item in regard to repair, reuse or recycling before disposing

  • Use the garden and outdoor environment as a learning environment and a natural resource

  • Involve children in all activities in regard to gardening, recycling and care of the animals 

  • Ensure that all things borrowed from the garden for play purposes are replaced in the garden after use 


Community Links 


Cool Australia

Little Green Steps

Western Power 

Alinta Gas

Water Corporation 

Earth Hour WWF



Planning for a brighter future

Community Links

Parks and Wildlife

Perth Zoo

Night Stalk

Fauna Friendly Gardens Tips

Heardsman Lake wildlife centre


Contact details for animal rescue agencies


  • F.A.W.N.A (WA) Inc. (Fostering and Assistance for Wildlife Needing Aid)

  • WILDCARE Helpline The Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation runs the WILDCARE Helpline.
    It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, diverting to after hours numbers at nights and weekends, to provide immediate assistance. 
    WILDCARE (08) 9474 9055 

  • Native Animal Rescue Native Animal Rescue support vets will treat injured native wildlife for no charge and arrange for a wildlife carer to collect the animal for rehabilitation and release.

  • Native ArcCaring for injured, orphaned and sick wildlife with the hopes of rehabilitating them and successfully returning them to their natural habitat.

Coming Soon

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